Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 237.8 million active users worldwide. That’s why users utilize different strategies, such as content, tweets, and posts, to grab a share of followers. But what are the ways to use Twitter videos to attract the right followers for your kind of content? Why are videos not so popular among users? 

Even though using videos on Twitter is not as straightforward as on Instagram and Facebook, you can still utilize it by making videos on trending topics and educational content. Sometimes, making videos go viral on Twitter requires that you buy Twitter video views

Keep reading to learn ways to gain more Twitter followers with videos and without them. 

6 Ways To Use Twitter Video To Attract The Right Followers

  1. Share Real-Time Events By Going Live On Twitter

People like to get their information first-hand, even before it gets to a larger percentage of the public. It doesn’t matter if they’re there or virtually present; they want to know it first.

Twitter is one easy way to get real-time events to people worldwide. So, next time you’re attending a conference or a seminar related to your brand, try to feed it to your Twitter followers live. 

How To Go Live On Twitter 

Many Twitter users are unaware that they can make live videos on Twitter as the option is not very visible. Below are the steps:

  • Click on the icon that takes you where you can create tweets right in your Twitter app.
  • Among the displayed icons, tap the camera icon.
  • On the displayed camera screen, swipe right to the “LIVE” mode.
  • On the space labeled “what’s happening,” type the name of the event or venue.
  • Once you’re done with the above steps, tap on the “Go Live” option to live-stream the event.

When you go live with any event, make your viewers feel involved. Give your viewers insight into the event. You may also go as far as voicing over the streaming by introducing the event. Imagine yourself as their eyes and ears, and make sure you don’t let them feel bored.

Additionally, keep an eye on the comment section of the live video and give timely responses to comments. Your account’s increased activity and engagement will also amount to more attention and new followers.

  1. Respond To Tweets Using Twitter Videos

With the increasing number of fake social media accounts, many people no longer take social media seriously. They think it’s probably another fraudster or fake account making a post. Engaging your followers with videos is a way to make your account appear more credible.

Also, people value the extra time and effort put into making the video. Someone who sees several of your videos on your profile develops increased trust in the brand and will readily draw the attention of their followers to your account if need be.

Step out of the normal 140-character comment or reply. Instead, record a short creative video. A video allows you to express yourself quicker and much more freely than you would, expressing your thoughts in a limited-character reply space. It makes your brand authority more authentic.

Some worthwhile applications of twitter videos are:

  • Thank your audience for sharing your content and contributing to growing your brand.
  • Talk about an upcoming event relevant to your brand, and that aligns with your viewers’ interests.
  • Discuss your thoughts concerning the content your followers shared.
  • Record anything you would have said in a normal Tweet.

Additional Benefits Of Video Tweets

  • It allows your followers to relate with you or your brand more personally.
  • Videos keep your viewers and prospective followers more engaged than any normally written tweet.
  • It provides a medium to share personalized time with your followers, which they value so much.
  • You’ll be able to say more within 140 seconds than you can ever type within 140 seconds.
  • Lastly, since very few of your competitors are using videos, it could be an advantage on your part.
  1. Use Paid Video Ads

If you have the money to spend, you may have to pay for video ads on Twitter. Your normal video tweet is limited to your followers and anyone who saw it by chance.

Twitter video ads reach more targeted and constantly engaged users who may not be following your account. If the content of your ads is creative enough, you’ll end up with hundreds of followers in a short time. Also, video ads prompt a higher engagement rate.

How To Make Twitter Video Ads

You can create Twitter video ads through your Twitter ads account. Follow the easy steps listed below. 

  • Login to your Twitter Ads account.
  • Open the Ads Manager and click “create campaign” at the top right corner.
  • In the list of campaign objectives, select “video views.”
  • This will take you to the campaign setup form. Here, you’ll provide details such as the campaign’s name, source of funding, budget, and set campaign dates.
  • Set up your ad group and select an ad group goal. Some goal options are 15s view, video views, 3s/100% video views, and 6s video views.
  • Choose a bid type you’d prefer for your ad group. The available options include automatic bids and maximum bids.
  • In the “Targeting” tab, select your target audience.
  • Choose the tweets you’d like to use in the campaign. There’s also an option to customize the locations where your tweets will reach.
  • Visit the “Review & Complete” tab to review your setup. This tab also allows you to add additional ad groups to your campaign.
  • Finally, you can launch your video views campaign.
  1. Use Animated Visuals

If you’re looking for something simple but highly effective, this is one approach you must consider. Many Twitter users lack time to start swiping through picture threads, but they’ll be happier to watch a 5 seconds video clip. 

Sometimes, you don’t need a high-resolution camera to make a promotional twitter video for your brand. You can simply animate some event promotional images or your blog cover photo. With these images, you could create GIFs or short videos. Also, you can resort to creating animated quotes. 

While you don’t need any expensive equipment for some fancy video or photo shooting, you also don’t need to pay someone for editing if you have basic video editing skills. Luckily, tools like Adobe Spark and Adobe Animate can help you create great animations. Texts are also a cool feature to add to improve your content.

  1. Focus On Adding Value With Your Video Content

People will only click the “Follow” button on your Twitter account if they find your content relatable or enriching. To attract the right followers using Twitter videos, you must enrich your videos with educating or inspiring content.

If your account is about comedy, your videos may not be so educating or inspiring. But there should be an element targeted at improving your viewers. At least there should be something new to learn from your videos. That way, you’ll elicit more engagements and increased followers.

If you’re still at a loss for what to do, you may focus on how-to videos or tips-and-tricks. If you think the 140 seconds maximum allowed for videos is too short, you’d better consider that an advantage. The short video triggers you to target your creativity into making more captivating videos.

Tips For Creating Value-Packed Twitter Videos

  • When making your videos, ensure that your presentation mode is interactive. Also, figure out additions that will engage your viewers.
  • Even if you want to make animations, we recommend having someone speak directly before the camera. It pulls the attention of your viewer a little bit more.
  • Ensure that your videos are appealing to the eyes. This is because people will spend less time on a video with unappealing visuals. Key pitfalls to avoid are blurry and dull videos.
  • The best time to share educational videos is in the morning. A Twitter study has shown that content shared in the morning has a higher tendency to trigger detail-oriented memory encoding.
  1. Make Videos On Trending Topics.

Hundreds of people will be more interested in what’s trending than in some general kind of video. Your normal video tweet may reach many of your followers and, sometimes, their followers –if they like the content and decide to retweet the video.

But this method may not bring you as many followers as you could get if you made and posted a video about a trend. More importantly, you should also consider if your target followers will find the post to be interesting. For example, if you’re into mobile gadgets, you could make a video about the recently released Apple iPhone 14.

It’s also important that you use trending hashtags when making a caption for your video. You may be lucky to have your video appear under the “Explore Tab” who knows? Using trending hashtags increases the tendency for your video to appear when people search for trending topics.

The Explore tab shows you a list of the most frequently searched and trending topics and hashtags. Once you find a trending topic relatable to your brand and followers, create a video and use the appropriate hashtags when sharing the video.

General Tips For Attracting More Twitter Followers 

  • Create An Appealing Personalized Profile

On social media, people tend to follow real people instead of brands or businesses. Use the bio section to provide well-articulated information about yourself and the brand. You may use the brand logo as your cover photo, but make sure your picture appears on the profile.

  • Promote Your Twitter Account On Various Social Media Platforms

It could be on your Facebook or Instagram page; just put your Twitter handle there. Your followers on your other social media handles may also want to connect with you on Twitter.

  • Actively Reciprocate All Engagements On Your Tweets

If someone follows you, reciprocate the following. Likewise, do the same with mentions, likes, endorsements, etc.

  • Use Infographics

Humans are more attracted to images and videos than long blocks of text. Make it a point to add quality images to your tweets.

  • Be Interesting

Nobody likes to follow a Twitter profile with a handful of boring tweets. Ensure your tweets are interesting and do well to respond appropriately to replies under your tweets. 


There are many ways to use Twitter videos to attract the right followers. Notably, make it an effort to enrich your videos with educating and unique content. In addition, we recommend live streaming relevant events and seminars. When you get engagements, reciprocate them and keep your followers interested. 

Also, include content that relates to trending topics. Also, use appropriate hashtags to optimize your videos. You can also use paid video ads to get your videos to people that may find you interesting but are not on your follower list. Generally, an attractive profile is a key to getting more followers on Twitter. So, be selective with tweets.


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