The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the school calendar due to mitigatory strategies, such as lockdown and closure of schools. Students were forced to study remotely, which wasn’t always easy. Homework assignments were causing the most problems. Luckily, essay writing websites like Wr1ter were there to help them out. However, many educational institutions have come up with strategies for students to resume school. Children should learn new behaviors that promote safety in the classroom. Although the ministry of education has established plans to mitigate coronavirus spread, teachers need to reinforce students positively.

Acknowledgment and Praise

Human beings tend to continue doing something positive when they receive praise. Therefore, by following this law, teachers should recognize and commend learners who follow the Covid-19 rules. For example, if learners come to class wearing masks, teachers can describe them as intelligent students. The praise intends to motivate the child to continue adhering to the safety measures. Moreover, other students who hear the praise will also be influenced to act likewise to be recognized.


Giving students presents for observing any of the recommendations put forth by the World Health Organization (WHO) can reinforce the behavior. For example, tutors can award learners who correctly put on their masks from morning to evening. The implication is that the teacher will minimize incidences of students exchanging or forgetting their masks because they all anticipate a present.

Punishment and Penalties

Teachers can inflict penalties on students who violate the COVID-19 rules. Given that people tend to avoid adverse outcomes, they adhere to the stipulated guidelines. For example, instructors may state that students who fail to wear masks will stay outside the classroom. Expectedly, more people will be following the safety rules. Thus, punishments may be a reinforcement strategy for following the recommended plan of mitigating coronavirus.

Teaching Students Safety Recommendations

It is essential to educate students on pertinent issues about the transmission of the virus to adhere to the safety measures. For instance, teachers may tell students that congestion in a confined area may catalyze the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The expected response will be that learners will keep away from each other because they do not want to get infected. Thus, empowerment through learning is one of the best strategies to help students follow the COVID-19 safety guidelines. 

Classical Condition

A classical condition occurs unconsciously in psychology, and an automatic response is paired with a given stimulus. For example, tutors can tell students that they all go to the sink and wash their hands after every lesson. After some time, learners will not need to be reminded to observe hand hygiene. Instead, they will automatically go to the tap when they hear a bell signaling the end of a lesson. Thus, stimulus conditioning is also an effective strategy for reinforcing students to observe measures to mitigate coronavirus spread.

In summary, many safety guidelines have already been provided by the WHO. However, the enforcement of the safety rules requires more effort from teachers to positively reinforce students’ behavior. Some effective strategies that can make students learn to observe the guidelines include awards, praise, punishment, teaching about safety recommendations, and classical conditioning. As a result, educators can use these strategies simultaneously for a better outcome in maintaining a COVID-19 safe classroom.


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