You may have noticed:Β communicating on LinkedInΒ is essential today when you have a business.Β This network, which is growing day by day and has more than 575 million users, has become a fantastic playground for presenting your business and finding prospects.Β You still need to know a few rules forΒ writing aΒ powerful LinkedIn post.Β Are you looking for the linkedinΒ adΒ agenciesΒ for your publication?Β We reveal theΒ secrets of the prosΒ to publishΒ effective content on the social network.

1 β€” Take care of the quality of your posts

LinkedIn’s algorithms are pretty much similar to Google’s. If you’re focusing on the quality of your content on your site to improve the user experience, you’ll need to pay special attention to the relevance of your posts on LinkedIn. Before posting your text, check that what you write has added value for other members of the network. Consider using reliable sources, providing helpful advice, and showing that you know what you’re talking about. Try to stand out with original content.

Then, clear and airy paragraphs are essential for your visibility. Internet users do not stop at blocks that are too compact, too long, especially when more than half of users consult their page from their mobile. Emoticons can make your content more dynamic, but there’s no need to put emoticons on every line, as this will affect the readability of your message.

Check your spelling and grammar, which are proof of your professionalism.

2 β€” Use storytelling on LinkedIn

Storytelling is a major asset for writing an impactful publication on a professional social network with the guidance of a professional social media verification service. This practice allows users to identify with your message and feel sympathy for you. It arouses emotion and sells. These are often the posts that get the most success. What if you told the story of your brand or your company?

Sharing successes and difficulties also brings additional visibility. But be careful, stay positive and moderate. Have you encountered an obstacle? Explain how you overcame it and what you learned. However, posts that are too negative attract little sympathy. So be sure to turn your post in such a way that the reader understands that you are a fighter and an optimist.

3 β€” Add a photo or video

It’s a fact, complementing your post with an attractive and relevant photo attracts more attention than text alone. Indeed, according to a study by the Word stream site, 98% of publications with a photo receive more comments than text alone. Here’s an easy trick to increase your engagement rate, or user and subscriber interaction rate! The more qualitative the image, the more positively it will attract attention. You will find some in royalty-free image banks such as Unsplashed or Pixel. A word of advice, also consider using a free tool like Canva to add your logo and create a model in your colors that can be used over and over again. So potential customers can identify you at first glance.

Moreover, do not hesitate to vary the pleasures by adding videos. During the launch of the video function on LinkedIn, it was observed that these were shared 20 times more than other types of publications.

4 β€” Avoid external links in the text

On your site, the goal is to retain visitors as much as possible. On LinkedIn, it’s the same thing: the algorithms hate sending users elsewhere. If you want to provide additional information or redirect the reader to an offer, refrain from inserting an external link in your text.

However, here is a little well-kept secret from influencers: add it in the comments! And don’t forget to let your readers know about it in the post. You will thus avoid being penalized by the algorithms.

5 β€” Identify other members on the social network

Would you like your publication to go beyond the limits of your usual network? Tag other members and pay tribute to them. Thus, you ensure a greater number of views and benefit from the network of the person mentioned. For this, try to stay natural. Discuss a topic with an acquaintance or professional you follow on LinkedIn? This is an opportunity to use this anecdote as a springboard. Phrases such as β€œI was discussing it with Pierre just this morning” or β€œSophie told me yesterday that” work particularly well. Alternatively, you can quote a phrase that appeals to you from recent posts by a user with a lot of networks. If you dare not do it directly, nothing prevents you from contacting the person to inform him of your intentions.

6 β€” Include popular hashtags in your post

Hashtags allow users subscribed to certain keywords to find your publication. This little acronym will therefore make you gain visibility.

To follow trends, type hashtag examples into the search bar at the very top of your LinkedIn page. Note the suggestions that the network makes to you from the first letters: if a hashtag is popular, you will have access to an interesting potential of new members who evolve in the same field. Choose only the most relevant: 3 or 4 hashtags maximum per publication are enough, otherwise you will lose your audience.

7 β€” Publish at the right time

The Digitize site shows that LinkedIn users are more receptive from Monday to Thursday, preferably in the morning. So, avoid posting outside of these slots. The surveys do not give quite the same results depending on the professional field of network users, but the trend shows that posting from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. or between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. remains the most effective.

When it comes to frequency, there’s no point in posting multiple times a day, or you could tire your audience and disappear from their feed. By adding 2 to 3 publications per week, you are sure to adopt a good cruising speed.

8 β€” Insert a CTA or Call to Action when writing your LinkedIn post

Widely used in digital marketing, the CTA or Call to action is a button or a short sentence that encourages the reader to take action. If you have created a publication, it is because you have a message to convey, information to share. The results show that users are more likely to respond or comment if you ask them a question. On LinkedIn, you have several ways to increase the participation of your readers: insert a poll, ask for experience sharing, consult your audience, etc. The goal is that they feel involved and want to interact with you.

9 β€” Reply to comments

And finally, the last tip, just as important. If you’ve asked readers to join in and chat with you, the least you can do is return the favor and respond to comments. Not only are you creating a close link, but you are also bringing your publication to life and raising it. And that, the LinkedIn algorithms love. Do not deprive yourself of interesting exchanges and new contacts.

So, ready to start writing a successful post and expand your network? You now have all the keys to producing effective content on the professional social network. And if you don’t have time to devote to LinkedIn on a regular basis, consider delegating your publications to an SEO web editor. Contact us to find the rare pearl who will be able to communicate on your values ​​and your news.


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