Today’s business needs are rapidly changing. Previously, a big banner, pamphlets, and ads in the newspaper were enough to give your business a relative push. But then, business dynamics changed the gear – customers’ behavior changed, markets became competitive, and marketing methods flipped. That’s where the need for an advanced business solution emerged that Microsoft filled with Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Customer Resource Management), a business solution for managing customer service, sales, and marketing arenas.
However, Microsoft Dynamics CRM was not a comprehensive solution to address all demands of businesses. So, Microsoft replaced Microsoft Dynamics with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based system combining capabilities of both CRM and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) in a single platform. Microsoft has taken Dynamics’ product range and improved it to manage all tools, applications, and databases in a unified platform. That’s just a small chunk of the big picture of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement. There is a lot more to explore!
Almost six years have passed since Microsoft replaced Microsoft Dynamics CRM with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement. However, the difference between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement remains a riddle for many. Don’t worry; we are going to solve it in this article.
Here are the basic differences between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement:
1. Apps and Sitemap Editor
Everyone loves an app that offers a great user experience with the functions they need rather than a cluttered app with a long list of useless functions. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is made with the motto “the right functionality in the right place,” so you can customize the app according to your needs and get only what you need. Dynamics 365 has the capability to group different functions into an app according to a user’s need.
This capability was not present in Dynamics CRM. However, with the advent of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement, users can easily get access to what they want. This customization process is developed by a sitemap editor, leaving behind the old days of using XML to edit sitemaps.
2. Relevance Search
There is a huge difference between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement in the way they support search. The search functionality in Dynamics CRM was limited, depending on specifying record types and fields to find records. However, with the ‘Relevance search’ feature, employees don’t need to search all possible records manually. The Relevance system has ‘Google-like’ capabilities. Just type the word, and it will show any field in the entity that matches the search term. So, Microsoft Dynamics 365 has not only made data storage easier but finding the data has also become easy-breezy.
3. Editable Grids
Editing records in Microsoft Dynamics 365 was a struggle. Now you don’t have to load the whole record. Microsoft Dynamics 365 gives you freedom from falling into time-taking and lethargic method of editing grids. Dynamics 365 presents record lists as editable grids. Instead of opening individual records to see data, you can find data in one place and use it as you want.
4. Licensing
Is there any change in licensing of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics 365? The answer is: yes and… no! There isn’t much difference in the licensing of both these systems. For example, both are implemented as SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions, licenses sold on a per-user-per-month basis. However, there is a slight difference in the licensing of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement. You can save money in Dynamics 365 by only licensing users for the functionalities they need, not for the whole suite of services.
Doing business in today’s dynamic world is like walking on a thin rope while juggling multiple operations and tasks. One mistake can trip you, and you might fall into the pit of failure. That’s why it is essential for today’s businesses to have additional support that can help them move on the rope while keeping a balance. That’s where Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement comes out as support. With its improved capabilities, it has emerged as a unified solution for various business-related issues. So, if you are still trying to survive on a thin rope without support, you must think about your fate!