Research the Local Regulations and Requirements for Setting up a Business in Hong Kong
As an international business hub, Hong Kong is a popular destination for entrepreneurs and investors looking to set up their businesses in the city. In order to ensure that your business is operated in accordance with local regulations, it is important to research the various requirements that must be met.
The first step when setting up a company in Hong Kong is to register your company with the Companies Registry. This requires completing an incorporation form and submitting it along with other documents such as a copy of your passport, proof of address and any legal or financial documents relating to the company’s activities. Once registered, you will also need to obtain a Business Registration Certificate from the Inland Revenue Department which will enable you to apply for other licenses or permits required by law.

In addition, depending on the type of business activity being conducted, certain licenses may be necessary. For example if you are running an import/export company then you must have an Import/Export License from Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department; if you are providing financial services then an SFC license may be required; and if manufacturing goods then a Manufacturing License will be needed from InvestHK or another relevant government department.
Draft Articles of Incorporation
Drafting Articles of Incorporation is an important step in the process of forming a corporation. The articles are legal documents that create the corporation and set forth its basic operating structure. In most cases, these articles must be filed with the appropriate state agency in order to legally form a corporation.
When drafting Articles of Incorporation, there are several key elements that should be included. First, the name of the corporation should be listed along with any alternate or trade names it may use. Contact information for all shareholders and directors should also be included, as well as details on how many shares will be authorized and issued by the company. It’s important to include language stating whether or not shares can be freely transferred between shareholders as well as restrictions on who can buy or sell those shares.
The articles should also address how dividends will be distributed among shareholders and list any special rights or privileges each shareholder may have such as voting powers or preferred stock status which could give them certain benefits over other shareholders when it comes to dividend distribution or other matters related to corporate governance. The Articles should include provisions for meetings such as annual shareholder meetings so that decisions can be made regarding major corporate changes like mergers, acquisitions, new investments and more.
File with Companies Registry
The Companies Registry is a government agency that records the registration of companies and other legal entities, including limited partnerships, sole proprietorships, limited liability companies and branch offices. It also keeps track of the ownership structure and other important information related to these entities.
The Companies Registry acts as an official record-keeper for all business entities within its jurisdiction. It provides a single source of information regarding their activities and status in the market. This helps businesses to comply with regulations while ensuring they are operating legally. The registry also allows access to various documents such as annual returns, financial statements, articles of association and other corporate documents necessary for running a business efficiently.
The information stored in the Companies Registry is open to public inspection under certain circumstances such as when filing for bankruptcy or when taking legal action against another company or individual. This ensures that all businesses operate within their legal limits and protects them from fraudulent activities by providing accurate records on which parties are involved in transactions or contracts with each other.
To register your company with the Companies Registry you must first fill out an application form available on its website or through local authorities such as town halls or court offices in your area depending on where you’re based.
Select Company Name and Obtain Approval from Companies Registry
When starting a new business, selecting a company name is one of the most important decisions you will make. A good company name should reflect the nature of your business, be memorable and attractive to potential customers. Once you have chosen your desired name it is important to obtain approval from the Companies Registry before you can legally use it.
The process for obtaining approval from Companies Registry varies depending on which country or state you are in, but typically involves searching the registry database to ensure that your proposed company name has not already been taken by another business. If no matches are found then an application must be submitted along with any required paperwork and fees.
In some countries or states there may also be restrictions on what type of words can be used in a company name, such as certain trademarks or even certain languages. It is important to check with the applicable regulations before submitting a request for approval so that there are no surprises later on when trying to register your company officially.
When submitting an application for approval from Companies Registry it is also important to include all relevant information about your proposed business such as its purpose, geographical area of operation and contact information for its owners or directors if applicable.
Appoint Directors and Shareholders
The appointment of directors and shareholders is an important process that is undertaken by companies to ensure their success. Directors are responsible for making decisions on behalf of the company, while shareholders provide financial backing. Both roles are essential for a business’s ongoing success, so it’s important to ensure that the right people are appointed in these positions.
When appointing directors and shareholders, there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you need to make sure that you appoint individuals who have the necessary skills and experience to effectively manage your company. This means looking at their qualifications and past experience in similar roles, as well as researching their reputation within relevant industries or sectors. It’s also important to choose directors who understand the goals of your business – this will help ensure that they make decisions which align with your overall objectives.
It’s also essential that you consider whether or not potential directors have any conflicts of interest which could compromise their ability to act in the best interests of your company. For example, if a director has a financial relationship with another organisation which could benefit from decisions they make on behalf of your own business, then this should be taken into account when deciding whether or not they should be appointed as a director or shareholder.
Submit Application for Business Registration Certificate (BRC) to Inland Revenue Department (IRD)
Obtaining a Business Registration Certificate (BRC) from the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) is an important step for any business operator in Hong Kong. A BRC grants businesses certain privileges, such as tax deductions, and is required for any business that wishes to operate within the city. To obtain a BRC, applicants must submit an application to IRD.
Before submitting an application for a BRC to IRD, there are several documents and pieces of information that you will need:
• The company’s name and address;
• The type of business they wish to register;
• The names of all directors and shareholders;
• Details on the company’s capital structure;
• Bank account information;
• A copy of the Articles of Association or Memorandum & Articles of Association;
How To Submit The Application?
Submitting your application for a BRC is easy. You can do so online via IRD e-Tax filing system or by post via mail. If you choose to apply by mail, you should print out the form from their website, fill it out clearly with all necessary information.
Receive the BRC from IRD, which Includes Details of Profits Tax Reference Number, Business Registration Number, etc.
Hong Kong is a major international financial center that attracts businesses from all over the world. As a result, it is important for companies to understand the rules and regulations of the local tax system in order to ensure they are compliant with their tax obligations. One way that companies can do this is by obtaining their Business Registration Certificate (BRC) from the Inland Revenue Department (IRD).
The BRC contains important information about your company, such as its Profits Tax Reference Number, Business Registration Number, and other relevant details. This helps to ensure that you have all of the necessary documents in place for filing taxes correctly and efficiently. It also serves as proof of business registration with the IRD and allows you to apply for certain tax concessions or exemptions if eligible.
Once you have obtained your BRC from IRD, it is important to keep it up-to-date at all times. This should include any changes in ownership or directorships within your business as well as any changes in address or contact details. It is also a good idea to keep copies of all relevant documents such as accounts statements, invoices and receipts related to your business activities on file so that you can provide them when requested by authorities if needed.
Open a Corporate Bank Account in Hong Kong
Setting up a corporate bank account in Hong Kong can be a daunting task, and the process can be complex and time-consuming. However, with careful planning and research, you can make sure that your company is prepared to open an account with a reputable financial institution.
The first step is to decide what type of bank account you need for your business: whether you require an operating account (for daily banking activities) or a savings/investment account (for long-term investments). After making this decision, it’s important to research the different banks in Hong Kong – online reviews are particularly useful here – and compare their services before deciding which one is best suited for your needs. Once you have identified the right bank, contact them directly to inquire about application requirements.
In order to open a corporate bank account in Hong Kong, companies must provide certain documents such as proof of identity and address (usually by passport or national identity card), proof of residence for all directors/shareholders (such as utility bills), incorporation documents from the Companies Registry (including articles of association), and other relevant documentation such as evidence regarding business activities. In some cases, banks may also require additional information such as board resolutions or minutes from shareholders’ meetings authorizing opening of accounts.
Obtain Relevant Permits and Licenses Necessary for Operation of the Company
For business owners, obtaining the necessary permits and licenses to legally operate your company is a must. Without the proper paperwork in place, you may be at risk of facing hefty fines or other legal repercussions.
The first step to ensuring your company is operating legally is to research the permits and licenses required for your particular type of business. Depending on what services or goods are being offered, there could be dozens of different forms that must be completed in order to properly register and operate a business. In addition, some businesses may also need to register with their local government or state agency in order to comply with additional regulations specific to their area.
Once you’ve determined which documents are applicable for you, it’s time to begin the application process. This can vary depending on where you live but typically involves filling out an application form and paying any associated fees prior to submitting them for review. For most businesses, this process should take no longer than several weeks from start-to-finish; however it can sometimes take longer if additional materials or information is needed before approval can be granted.
Register Employees with Employees Provident Fund Organisation for Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme (MPF) or Voluntary Provident Fund Scheme (VPF).
Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has launched a scheme that gives employees the option of either Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme (MPF) or Voluntary Provident Fund Scheme (VPF). This scheme is designed to ensure that all employees are provided with a secure and comfortable retirement.
The MPF is a government-mandated program that requires employers to set aside money each month towards an employee’s retirement fund. This money is then invested and the returns are used to provide income for the employee when they retire. The employer’s contribution rate varies, but it typically ranges from 10% – 20% of the employee’s salary. Employees also have the option of making additional contributions through VPF, which allows them to save even more towards their retirement goals.
In order to register for either MPF or VPF, employees must first fill out an application form available from EPFO website or from their respective employer’s payroll department. Once submitted, EPFO will review the application and approve it if everything meets its criteria. After approval, both employers and employees need to make regular contributions into their respective accounts according to EPFO’s regulations in order for them to be eligible for benefits when they retire.