
Condos are like a gem; you’ll never want to let go when you find a good one. Investing in a condo can be quite expensive, so you must be fully prepared. Individuals should purchase new launch condos as they are more cost-friendly. The condos have discounts since the developers want to market them and sell them fast. Individuals are encouraged to book early if they want to find the best condos at an affordable rate. Below are guidelines for buying new launch condos in Singapore.

  1. Evaluate Your Finances

Before your search for a condo, it would be good to sort your money first. You need to know how much you have and if it can get you the condo you’re looking for. Most people agree on certain transactions and regret them because they lack proper planning. For individuals looking to get a loan, it is advisable to talk to your banking provider and see how much they can give you. It is essential to agree on a manageable payment option to avoid straining. People looking to invest in new launch condo 2023 should start booking now for the best deals.

  1. Window Shop

People think window shopping is a waste of time, but it’s the best way of getting an amazing new-launch condo in Singapore. Making a list of features, you would want the condo to have is essential, which will also help narrow down your search. Hiring a real estate expert is a good way of finding the best condo; the agent can ease the work since they know most of the upcoming projects and have enough experience. It is crucial to choose a legit property agent for the best results.

  1. Be On the Lookout for Show Condos

Going to show flats whenever an opportunity comes up is great. It will help you see the options and styles that suit you best. Going to show flats also creates a chance for you to be given priority when they start selling. Individuals should be at the condo launch early when the day comes so they can book early. After booking, the developer briefs you on the new launch condo details. They also give you rules regarding the unit and an agreement to sign.

  1. Find A Solicitor

Getting to this point means that you have agreed to the purchase and can hire a solicitor to help you through the buying process. After ensuring you have the cash, the developers grant you the purchase agreement. It is advisable to take the agreement to your lawyer first before signing. They will go through it and ensure that there are no hidden costs or agendas that may cause problems in the future.


New launch condos in Singapore can be paid upfront or in installments. It all depends on your agreement with the developer. Getting the keys to your new condo is an amazing achievement, and one can breathe a sigh of relief because oneknows that the process is finally over. Buyers looking to buy a new launch condo 2023 know what it takes.


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